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„Discovering the Unexpected“

How people with spinal cord injury (SCI) can learn to sense themselves and move again using the Feldenkrais-Method.

Feldenkrais makes it possible to reawaken central patterns (CPs) without the need for information descending from the cortex. These CPs can generate the force and the rhythm required to initiate the primordial movements. The myofascial communication system can help to salvage this wealth of stored information up to the brain to the level of awareness. Such experiences leave traces in the body maps of the brain.

I began working with people with SCI early in my practice, in 1991. Over the years this has remained an ever-evolving, immensely rewarding part of my work. This inspired me to document the progress of my clients in text and on more than 4 hours of film material of live Feldenkrais lessons. In a comparative synopsis I identify more than 20 steps shared in common by three adult clients in their process of emerging awareness.

A new image of self can evolve.

Five video-documented case examples.
Printed A4. Softcover. 250 pages, spiral binding
Includes password-protected access to over 70 video clips from Feldenkrais lessons, More than 4 hours of film material (English subtitled). 

69,90 € | print version plus postage* | against prepayment

49,90 € | ebook version | against prepayment